Bu makalemizde adım adım GoldenGate 19c MA (microservice architecture) ortamımızda nasıl en güncel patch’i geçeriz onu paylaşacağım. Öncelikle aşağıdaki Oracle dokümanında versiyonumuza uygun patch’i buluyoruz.
Master Note for Oracle GoldenGate Core Product Patch Sets (Doc ID 1645495.1)
Oracle GoldenGate 19c için en güncel versiyon 210228 olarak gözüküyor. İlgili dokümana tıklıyoruz.
2765136.1 nolu dokümana gittiğimizde 19c için gerekli patch’lerin listesini görebiliriz. Burada ortamımıza uygun olan (bizim için microservice architecture olan) indirmemiz gerekli.
32517259 nolu patch’i indirdikten sonra en güncel opatch’i de adresinden indiriyoruz.
Öncelikle opatch versiyonumu kontrol ediyorum.
[oracle@ora01 32517259]$ opatch version
OPatch Version:
OPatch succeeded.
Patch’i unzip ediyorum.
[oracle@ora01 ~]$ unzip -qq
Tüm servislerimin kapalı olduğundan emin oluyorum.
[oracle@ora01 32517259]$ ps -ef | grep -i service
oracle 3249 2711 0 12:32 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i service
[oracle@ora01 32517259]$ ps -ef | grep -i srvr
oracle 3330 2711 0 12:32 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i srvr
ORACLE_HOME olarak GoldenGate home’u gösteriyorum ve PATH’imi güncelliyorum.
[oracle@ora01 32517259]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/gghome
[oracle@ora01 32517259]$ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch:$PATH
[oracle@ora02 32517259]$ which opatch
Patch geçme işlemine başlıyorum.
[oracle@ora02 32517259]$ opatch apply
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Oracle Home : /u01/app/oracle/gghome
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
from : /u01/app/oracle/gghome/oraInst.loc
OPatch version :
OUI version :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/gghome/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2021-04-28_12-49-42PM_1.log
Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
OPatch continues with these patches: 32517259
Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
All checks passed.
Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
(Oracle Home = '/u01/app/oracle/gghome')
Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
Backing up files...
Applying interim patch '32517259' to OH '/u01/app/oracle/gghome'
Patching component,
Patch 32517259 successfully applied.
Kontrol ediyorum.
[oracle@ora02 32517259]$ opatch lsinv
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Oracle Home : /u01/app/oracle/gghome
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
from : /u01/app/oracle/gghome/oraInst.loc
OPatch version :
OUI version :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/gghome/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2021-04-28_12-54-35PM_1.log
Lsinventory Output file location : /u01/app/oracle/gghome/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/lsinventory2021-04-28_12-54-35PM.txt
Local Machine Information::
Hostname: ora02
ARU platform id: 226
ARU platform description:: Linux x86-64
Installed Top-level Products (1):
Oracle GoldenGate Services
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.
Interim patches (1) :
Patch 32517259 : applied on Wed Apr 28 12:53:16 UTC 2021
Unique Patch ID: 24098774
Created on 17 Feb 2021, 02:17:34 hrs PST8PDT
Bugs fixed:
31965449, 32049242, 32402946, 31680465, 32228256, 32244769, 32123618
32465455, 32364995, 32442374, 32401716, 32351396, 32267972, 32079454
32113199, 32208663, 31770164, 32152343, 32143512, 32142819, 32120542
32063871, 31758036, 31541257, 31607315, 31607165, 31923063, 30964666
31832926, 31879230, 32211393, 32211410, 32125404, 32247110, 31841413
31627080, 32113491, 31456620, 32444005, 32385426, 32382366, 32255371
32230744, 31994726, 31097457, 29225584, 31924044, 31507736, 29926335
31460112, 31227988, 32052808, 31528537, 31941089, 31738301, 31433207
32048254, 32447395, 30484169, 31626902, 32130140, 31980534, 31940189
30680081, 31960849, 32319245, 32013705, 32005136, 31898626, 31871467
31892350, 29742654, 31098304, 31551177, 31650786, 31487146, 31518720
31278701, 31881852, 31606636, 31828895, 31838905, 29488053, 30473302
31801133, 31556722, 31601988, 31682817, 31760611, 31625576, 31782581
31738375, 31507433, 31228480, 31668277, 31547747, 30680613, 31578150
31561710, 31536652, 31779859, 31142667, 30693987, 31839093, 31839081
31703323, 31606188, 31587315, 31517762, 31627129, 31582715, 31581443
31521735, 31440697, 29909549, 31791789, 31780877, 31801459, 31704543
31659809, 31563090, 31561650, 30662222, 31458308, 31709430, 30663522
30917522, 31644179, 31656230, 31653611, 31484993, 31449007, 31560266
31601424, 31427347, 31418833, 29271448, 31616216, 31780135, 31575532
31779959, 31828792, 31000610, 31587607, 28725556, 30920035, 29910461
31596246, 31526548, 31794343, 16814471, 31131773, 30623521, 31637694
30076679, 31591273, 31689380, 30806586, 31695862, 30572581, 31792776
31780753, 31709315, 31346319, 29209870, 31386231, 30446367, 31122004
31548760, 31482479, 31516459, 31454801, 31381479, 31401692, 31451676
31497291, 30301634, 31476229, 30006961, 31461836, 30638977, 31441364
30902327, 31107854, 31113468, 31303118, 30911868, 31143243, 29902799
31350725, 31431124, 29156819, 30903305, 30342778, 30493260, 30609604
30048129, 25475406, 30494732, 29915014, 30897196, 30815503, 31175237
31346587, 31139595, 31367923, 30832255, 31198252, 30955351, 31157419
31139615, 30310568, 31336850, 30600473, 30587460, 30548038, 30875325
30826774, 31232100, 30950624, 30846419, 30812800, 30873300, 30846594
30889577, 30685842, 30990596, 26752745, 30333176, 31206379, 31175842
31202227, 31256737, 31311503, 31323928, 31323909, 31318412, 30473323
31118592, 31176144, 31170155, 28480385, 31240314, 31349966, 30838154
31373499, 31373504, 30926412, 31099592, 31367261, 30972344, 31172278
30975972, 31219406, 29166143, 31208886, 31209070, 31178248, 31189911
18294101, 30791492, 30797198, 29920698, 29856640, 30080233, 31192285
30494822, 30818727, 31410995, 31326414, 31329767, 31326425, 31168595
30827735, 31177621, 30883131, 31066223, 31222222, 31374076, 31271859
31045117, 31165352, 31072446, 31039410, 30994687, 30988993, 30973776
30973756, 30310604, 30737450, 30719897, 30719522, 30713018, 30700666
30693366, 30682568, 30665877, 30637766, 30635206, 30601520, 30601512
30594864, 30577266, 30358775, 30342450, 30818230, 30753086, 30938120
30905623, 30962699, 30945407, 30905759, 30905753, 30612519, 30030259
30030081, 30823432, 30786365, 16564626, 31040380, 31062378, 31040907
31114345, 31441320, 31381472, 31213929, 31225570, 31305105, 31208291
31316835, 31123944, 31158148, 31175404, 31190369, 31003735, 30903771
31013450, 31010508, 30861743, 26812342, 30633479, 26078270, 29227058
29314744, 29346116, 29376018, 29585511, 29774881, 29805211, 30017628
30024507, 30032166, 30102893, 30233950, 30275490, 30286459, 30321894
30340476, 30446832, 30473280, 30484525, 30503529, 30507570, 30517837
30539518, 30579002, 30598252, 30614202, 30622854, 30622974, 30650848
30663342, 30680258, 30680756, 30680818, 30686209, 30688349, 30696013
30703607, 30717771, 30722842, 30724310, 30729495, 30729766, 30731018
30734990, 30738970, 30763551, 30778094, 30782649, 30796546, 30797378
30818690, 30823108, 30827972, 30838254, 30845653, 30851346, 30856970
30864484, 30865197, 30865462, 30871350, 30877853, 30880051, 30881232
30881572, 30884891, 30890481, 30892202, 30896679, 30897713, 30906693
30911601, 30913807, 30932343, 30944394, 30947828, 30966524, 30966604
30966810, 30979167, 30990451, 30993340, 31027128, 31027137, 31056957
31071657, 29706933, 27313577, 29299615, 29358314, 29500119, 29557298
29809446, 29814575, 29869207, 29916615, 30033430, 30033958, 30043836
30102653, 30150540, 30162025, 30265723, 30267467, 30283060, 30404307
30427030, 30453041, 30453885, 30458313, 30468226, 30475749, 30485152
30494573, 30494613, 30511946, 30523539, 30534012, 30540184, 30582001
30585160, 30585161, 30618355, 30634544, 30634903, 30640908, 30651405
30651501, 30651691, 30669929, 30681006, 30441555
OPatch succeeded.
Yapmanız gereken patch işlemlerini sizler için anlattık ve en güncel patch’i geçerek bir çok bug’dan kurtulmuş olduk. Özellikle production ortamlarda mutlaka en güncel patch ile çalışmanızı öneririm. Düzenli olarak güncel patch’leri geçmek sizi olası bir çok sorundan koruyacaktır.
Umarım faydalı olmuştur. Sorunuz olması durumunda adresine mail atabilirsiniz.