TFA (Oracle Trace File Analyzer) içerisinde exachk, orachk, diagcollect, purge trace vb. bir çok kullanışlı ve sorun anında hayatımızı kurtaracak tool’lar ile donanmış durumda. Sorun anında SR’ı güncellemek için kullandığımızdan aslında oldukça kritik bir noktaya geldi diyebiliriz. Oracle SR mühendislerine ne kadar hızlı bir şekilde logları iletirsek sorunu anlama ve çözme süresi o kadar kısalacaktır.
TFA aracı sunucularda servis olarak çalışmakta. Aşağıdaki şekilde mevcut durum sorgulanabilir. Burada
Oracle Exadata sunucularında RUNNING olmasını bekliyoruz. Aynı zamanda mevcut versiyonu da görebiliriz.
[root@exa1db01 tfa_install]# tfactl status
| Host | Status of TFA | PID | Port | Version | Build ID | Inventory Status |
| exa1db01 | RUNNING | 357810 | 5000 | | 21140020210628122659 | COMPLETE |
| exa1db02 | RUNNING | 346695 | 5000 | | 21140020210628122659 | COMPLETE |
| exa1db03 | RUNNING | 173157 | 5000 | | 21140020210628122659 | COMPLETE |
| exa1db04 | RUNNING | 396503 | 5000 | | 21140020210628122659 | COMPLETE |
| exa1db05 | RUNNING | 177986 | 5000 | | 21140020210628122659 | COMPLETE |
| exa1db06 | RUNNING | 317130 | 5000 | | 21140020210628122659 | COMPLETE |
| exa1db07 | RUNNING | 23296 | 5000 | | 21140020210628122659 | COMPLETE |
| exa1db08 | RUNNING | 353119 | 5000 | | 21140020210628122659 | COMPLETE |
TFACTL’i belli aralıklar ile güncellememiz gerekir. Bunun için en güncel versiyonu Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) – Including TFA and ORAchk/EXAchk (Doc ID 2550798.1) dokümanından indirebiliriz.
İndirip Exadata node’larından herhangi birine yükledikten sonra zip’ten çıkartıyoruz.
[root@exa1db01 tfa_install]# unzip -qq
[root@exa1db01 tfa_install]# ll
total 808708
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tforenda tforenda 411467554 Nov 29 10:20
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 416628080 Oct 29 19:51 ahf_setup
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 384 Oct 29 19:52 ahf_setup.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 625 Nov 1 19:50
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1525 Nov 1 19:50 README.txt
ahf_setup’ı çalıştırdığımızda önce lokal compute node’da ardından da diğer compute node’larda güncelleme işlemini kendisi gerçekleştirecek.
[root@exa1db01 tfa_install]# ./ahf_setup
AHF Installer for Platform Linux Architecture x86_64
AHF Installation Log : /tmp/ahf_install_213000_364214_2021_11_29-10_21_46.log
Starting Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) Installation
AHF Version: 21.3.0 Build Date: 202110290347
AHF is already installed at /opt/oracle.ahf
Installed AHF Version: 21.1.4 Build Date: 202106281226
Do you want to upgrade AHF [Y]|N : Y
AHF will also be installed/upgraded on these Cluster Nodes :
1. exa1db03
2. exa1db02
3. exa1db07
4. exa1db06
5. exa1db04
6. exa1db05
7. exa1db08
The AHF Location and AHF Data Directory must exist on the above nodes
AHF Location : /opt/oracle.ahf
AHF Data Directory : /opt/oracle.ahf/data
Do you want to install/upgrade AHF on Cluster Nodes ? [Y]|N : Y
Upgrading /opt/oracle.ahf
Shutting down AHF Services
Nothing to do !
Shutting down TFA
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/
Successfully shutdown TFA..
Starting AHF Services
Starting TFA..
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/oracle-tfa.service.
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/oracle-tfa.service.
Waiting up to 100 seconds for TFA to be started..
. . . . .
Successfully started TFA Process..
. . . . .
TFA Started and listening for commands
No new directories were added to TFA
Directory /u01/app/grid/crsdata/exa1db01/trace/chad was already added to TFA Directories.
INFO: Starting exachk scheduler in background. Details for the process can be found at /opt/oracle.ahf/data/exa1db01/diag/exachk/compliance_start_291121_102437.log
AHF upgrade completed on exa1db01
Upgrading AHF on Remote Nodes :
AHF will be installed on exa1db03, Please wait.
Upgrading AHF on exa1db03 :
[exa1db03] Copying AHF Installer
[exa1db03] Running AHF Installer
AHF will be installed on exa1db02, Please wait.
Upgrading AHF on exa1db02 :
[exa1db02] Copying AHF Installer
[exa1db02] Running AHF Installer
AHF will be installed on exa1db07, Please wait.
Upgrading AHF on exa1db07 :
[exa1db07] Copying AHF Installer
[exa1db07] Running AHF Installer
AHF will be installed on exa1db06, Please wait.
Upgrading AHF on exa1db06 :
[exa1db06] Copying AHF Installer
[exa1db06] Running AHF Installer
AHF will be installed on exa1db04, Please wait.
Upgrading AHF on exa1db04 :
[exa1db04] Copying AHF Installer
[exa1db04] Running AHF Installer
AHF will be installed on exa1db05, Please wait.
Upgrading AHF on exa1db05 :
[exa1db05] Copying AHF Installer
[exa1db05] Running AHF Installer
AHF will be installed on exa1db08, Please wait.
Upgrading AHF on exa1db08 :
[exa1db08] Copying AHF Installer
[exa1db08] Running AHF Installer
Do you want AHF to store your My Oracle Support Credentials for Automatic Upload ? Y|[N] : N
AHF is successfully upgraded to latest version
| Host | TFA Version | TFA Build ID | Upgrade Status |
| exa1db01 | | 21300020211029034711 | UPGRADED |
| exa1db02 | | 21300020211029034711 | UPGRADED |
| exa1db03 | | 21300020211029034711 | UPGRADED |
| exa1db04 | | 21300020211029034711 | UPGRADED |
| exa1db05 | | 21300020211029034711 | UPGRADED |
| exa1db06 | | 21300020211029034711 | UPGRADED |
| exa1db07 | | 21300020211029034711 | UPGRADED |
| exa1db08 | | 21300020211029034711 | UPGRADED |
Moving /tmp/ahf_install_213000_364214_2021_11_29-10_21_46.log to /opt/oracle.ahf/data/exa1db01/diag/ahf/
Son durumu kontrol ediyoruz. Hatta diagcollect ile 1 saatlik diagcollect çalıştırıp başarılı bitip bitmediğini görmekte fayda var.
[root@exa1db01 tfa_install]# tfactl status
| Host | Status of TFA | PID | Port | Version | Build ID | Inventory Status |
| exa1db01 | RUNNING | 384716 | 5000 | | 21300020211029034711 | COMPLETE |
| exa1db02 | RUNNING | 166801 | 5000 | | 21300020211029034711 | COMPLETE |
| exa1db03 | RUNNING | 169779 | 5000 | | 21300020211029034711 | COMPLETE |
| exa1db04 | RUNNING | 96083 | 5000 | | 21300020211029034711 | COMPLETE |
| exa1db05 | RUNNING | 116605 | 5000 | | 21300020211029034711 | COMPLETE |
| exa1db06 | RUNNING | 310214 | 5000 | | 21300020211029034711 | COMPLETE |
| exa1db07 | RUNNING | 163384 | 5000 | | 21300020211029034711 | COMPLETE |
| exa1db08 | RUNNING | 174822 | 5000 | | 21300020211029034711 | COMPLETE |
TFA içerisinde en güncel exachk olduğundan exachk’i de otomatik olarak güncellemiş olduk.
Faydalı olması dileğiyle!